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**Dogs** can choke on various objects during play, mealtime, or by getting hold of something they shouldn't. This can result in a blockage in their airway.
When you notice your dog choking, let them attempt to clear the obstruction first, as they are often effective at doing so. They may cough, move their body, and expel objects.
If they are unable to clear the obstruction, you must intervene.
There is a canine version of the Heimlich Manoeuvre for dogs, and the actions vary based on the dog's size:
Continuously check for obstruction clearance and observe the tongue and lips' colour. If they turn blue, your dog is becoming oxygen-deprived.
If your **cat** is choking and unable to breathe, treat them as you would a small dog in this situation.
Be cautious, as forceful abdominal thrusts can cause internal damage and may lead to shock or worse. It is crucial to have your dog or cat examined by a vet immediately after a choking incident.