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Fleas are minuscule, flightless insects that parasitize mammals and birds, sustaining themselves by feeding on their hosts' blood. These agile creatures possess long legs that enable them to leap impressively, covering distances up to 100 times their body length. With a capability to jump vertically and horizontally, they rank among the planet's most agile organisms. Globally, there are over 2500 different flea species, some of which are host-specific while others infest a range of animals.
The most effective approach to control fleas is by administering specific flea treatments tailored to your pets. Various options are available, including drops and collars, each suited to different animals. Consult your pet store or veterinarian for guidance on the most appropriate treatment for your pet's needs, ensuring you use treatments designed for their specific animal type. Be cautious, as some dog flea treatments can be toxic to cats.
If fleas have infested your home, you can purchase sprays and powders for control and eradication. Maintaining cleanliness by regularly washing your pet's bedding and vacuuming furniture, floors, and hidden areas is crucial to disrupting the flea life cycle. After vacuuming, dispose of the dust bag immediately.
Constant scratching is a telltale sign that fleas may be present on your pet. Bites on your own skin could also be an indication. Watch for signs of allergic reactions in pets, as they can be sensitive to flea saliva.
To identify fleas on your pet, use a fine-tooth flea comb or inspect their fur closely for tiny dark specks or small black/brown insects in motion. Fleas or their droppings can be found on the comb or, when placed on a white surface, the droppings may appear as reddish-brown when exposed to water.